11:18 p.m. - August 26, 2002

well, I have a new layout. and dang, was it ever hard to figure out. so there may be various problems with my diary, until it's all ironed out.

here I am trying so hard to get all the kinks out, and cory comes right over and fixes it all. he's so smart.

anyway, now I'm so sick of looking at the computer that I don't wanna write anymore.

I did go to the doc today, just to confirm the pregnancy. Confirmed. Now we are trying to figure out what to do about my insurance, or lack thereof..and what to do about our wedding. since the original plans are now out the window. more details as they become available.


Ooops, one last thing, we saw amalie [sp?] the other night. I liked it, but I liked chocolat better...I wasn't as impressed with amalie as most people have been. nighty night.

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