5:13 p.m. - June 30, 2003

hmm, i'm hearing rumors about a tax increase in california effective at midnight tonight. jeeze.

o.k. so did I mention how utterly fantastic this whole muthahood thing is? dude, it rocks. well, at first I was down in the dumps b/c I felt like my life as I once knew it was OVER...and it is., but now I've been introduced to a much better life. I mean, c and I still go out, he still plays in his bands, we are still the same cool (ha!) people as we once were. It's just that now, we've got this real cool little chick (lola) to introduce the world to. It's fun. It's also extremely challenging at times, I'm not going to lie., but a challenge is good.......o.k. nuff about that.

We have a gnarly lizard that lives in our backyard...C says it's an allegator lizard, and he says they will bite the hell out of you if you touch them. Nice.

Tomorrow I've got a babysitter (c's grandma). She wants the baby for a few hours in the afternoon. I've got a complete agenda of things I need to accomplish tomorrow while I have the chance. Betcha I only get to one or two of them. The gym is one of the things on my list...I MUST go tomorrow. I haven't been in over 2 weeks, and it's getting nutty. I still have about 10 or so pounds to shed from the pregnancy..I think I've dropped about as much weight as I can w/ out exercise.

Did I mention I got a severence check? I think I did. Anyway, Cory wants to do the "responsible" thing and pay off some bills. I, on the other hand, want to do some fun things with it. Oh, will I ever grow up. I doubt it.

Ok, gotta run.

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