8:44 p.m. - 2002-07-01

Man I really need to replenish my library of books...I have nothing interesting to read right now..and it's bumming me out.

Bank O'books tomorrow baby!

OH MY GOSH, check this shit out. I get this email today from the person who did b*ig sandy's old website, which was not too great in mine & everyone elses opinion. But thats not even the real reason why she is no longer maintaining the site...I'm jumping ahead here. Ok, so she emails me: "Dear Jen, I checked out the new site and it has an interseting look"....etc., etc., etc...then she says something like "please issue me an email address, [email protected] immediately"..it get's worse..."You used a picture of Bobby that I took, why didn't you give me credit"..."we need to get this resolved asap"...OMG! Can you believe that? I mean, I'm just a mere webdesigner, and she's coming at me with shit that I have no control over..I am so sure, like I can actually GIVE her an email address!! Jeeze! I mean, I know how, but it's not really mine to give, it belongs to the band. Anyway, there was more, looks like she's trying to muscle in on the site...I think Robert (big s) told her that she can be involved if she turned over the rights to the domain name...knowing good and well that once she turned over the name, he was never going to let her get involved in the site again....that's just my opinion. I mean, she was pleasant enough, I suppose...but give me a break dude, all of a sudden she wants to be a part of something that I busted my ass on for a month!! Robert told me that she stopped maintaining the site nearly 1 year ago....for health reasons or something..hmmm. So, then I step in, work hard on it, now she wants a piece of the action. Am I being a bitch??? I don't think I am.

I turned the email over to B*ig Sandy, and told him to deal with it. In the meantime, I took down all the content on the scoop (she wrote it, and I was not aware of that)..and I also mentioned her name on the fan pages as having supplied me with the picture of bobby..big fucking deal..FRUSTRATING! People never cease to amaze me....

**breath deeply**

Ok, I'm back. Cory is playing basketball tonight. Hope he wins! :) I walked the dog alone, in the park, in the dark..scary shit man!

Today was a pretty nifty day at work. I am about to finalize my sugar lips exfoliator...I'm thrilled!!

Oh, another funny thing real quick...Today todd (base player for Barrel Dodgers) emails me. He's all bent out of shape because I posted a couple of pictures on the Barrel Dodgers website of him (and a group of people) posing with who he calls "groupies"..I was under the impression that these girls were friends of ours..but I digress..He says he doesn't want to be seem, or associated with certain girls..he acts like I posted porn or something..it was just a couple of innocent pictures! I took them down, I didn't wanna argue, and cause him any heartache!! Damn, again, people never cease to amaze me.


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