9:14 p.m. - 2002-05-02

No pictures today :(

tomorrow for sure, or soon anyway.

O.K. so tonight the b*arrel dodgers are conducting their band practice here at my house, and they are totally urked (especially Cory) because Dave (drummer) is down in Abs (mexico) surfing and he will not be back in time for their Saturday gig. Knowing full well they had a gig scheduled...granted, that is straight up bullshit, but what can you do? Get a new drummer? Nothing can be done, the guy is an adult, you can't force him to do stuff....yadda yadda yadda.

Steve Earle was great with the exception of the 3 hour spoken word poetry readings, and the HORRIBLE opening band...he finally came out at 10:00ish, and we split at like midnight because we had an hour drive ahead of us, and because we were so dead tired from standing, and suffering thru that opening shit. All in all it was a fun time though. It was just Cory and I. I love when we do stuff together just the two of us. Especially when we are both loose and having fun, no gnarly conversations.

The guys have a gig coming up on the 25th in San Deigo...I am so not looking forward to it. The last time Cory went to S.D. he came back with this whole new, fucked up attitude, I stayed home that time. He came back thinking that he was the shit, and he completely decided that he wasn't entirely content with our relationship., or at least that's the way I took it. I think it was because he got an overwhelming response during that gig, and he just didn't know how to handle it...he said the girls were into him, and he dug it. Duh, who doesn't love it when someone is into you??? I am planning on going this time, but I still feel insecure about it all. I really shouldn't though. There is really not a thing I can do about it, if he trips again. If He does, I am going to split. So, may as well just go with the flow. Ahna is going too, so maybe she and I can do some hanging out.

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