7:10 p.m. - November 22, 2002

How come I am so lucky [or blessed?]? Just got the most fabulous job offer I could possibly imagine. Remember that interview I went on a couple of weeks ago in Venice Beach? Well, they called me this evening and proposed the following:

I would be a consultant for the company., developing cosmetic lines. I will be able to work from home, only driving into the office when necessary [perhaps 1 day every 2 weeks]. So, on Tuesday I will go in to discuss pay and to pick up my first project[s]...I am anticipating that they will put me in charge of say one entire line of cosmetics, they will hook me up with all of their vendors and stuff, but it will be up to me to price componentry and to finalize formulas, etc. Wow! What a great opportunity...I'm not worthy! :)

I'm beginning to believe in kharma more and more. I mean, some ex boyfriends, and some lousy relatives of mine are really feeling the effects of their disregard for other peoples feelings in the past now....for instance, one of my cousins, whom I love dearly, has been a complete jackass for years and years, taking advantage of my grandparents, treating his wife [ex-wife now] like shit and treating his daughter marginally at best is now suffering some health problems. Not that I want him to suffer, by any means, it's just kind of ironic that as young as he is he is suffering this way. Kharma? I think so. And little ol' me, I've always tried to be a good friend, daughter, girlfriend, whatever, and now I'm having the best 'luck' of my life..Kharma? I think so.

Well, gotta run..dinner awaits me. And of course, although it is friday night, this pregnant chick will be staying home!!

P.s. I just got to thinking about this entry....and I take back the statement that I made about always trying to be a good daughter. I was a handful until I was about 19..

P.s.s. All of my diaryland pals have been so great! Thank you for all of the nice comments. *swoon*

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