10:06 p.m. - October 23, 2002

Just got home from another Weds. night at, you guessed it, Zoey's. this is beginning to become a habit. we saw a guy named, oh shit! I forgot the guys name..um, well, all I know is he played with dave alvin on the public domain tour....he's a semi old dude...at any rate, he was entertaining with boring undertones. The guy that opened up for him was a younger dude that really resembled a young Neil Young...and he was good., his songs were kinda thought provoking...yet strangely depressing. We ate dinner, had a spot of tea [I did, C had beer] and just listened to the music. The only gripe I have about Zoey's on acoustic night is that it is so incredibly quiet in between songs, you can hear a pin drop. other than that, it's usually good fun.

C was supposed to play tonight with this guy Tony and this other dude Mike...but naturally mike cancelled! As always...so I think Cory is to the point where he feels like he absolutely cannot rely on anyone to further or expand his music career/repetiour. Actually, the bass player that I mentioned in an entry a week ago tonight, the one I said played with mike ness..., etc. Well he called C tonight while we were out and said he wanted to get together and play music....he was calling cory back, but in any event he seemed sincere in what he was saying. So, I'm keeping my fingers crossed for C.

Mongrel Music emailed me today. They are the booking agency for B*ig Sandy as well as Dave Alvin and many others....anyway, they were wondering where the site went. I gave them a breif explaination as to the goings-on and they wanted me to keep them posted. Actually, that web situation has been resolved...Robert emailed the blackmailer and told her she had 4 options: 1. Give him the domain name, and walk away 2. They will buy the domain name from her and walk away 3. they will both walk away from the domain name, and robert will buy another one, but she cannot use bigsandy.net for anything related to their band 4. take the whole thing to court. She agreed to #3. So, the guys are in the process of buying a new name..and my site should be back up very shortly. For those of you interesting in the new domain name, I will most definately pass it on as soon as I know what it will be. Boy will I be glad to get this matter resolved!!!

I'm leaving tomorrow to see my mom. Then on Friday her and I are driving to see my grandparents and my aunt. Should be fun..but I'm going to miss my husband, and my dog.

Nighty Night, kids.

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