6:30 p.m. - 2002-06-10

Ho Hum....

I wish I'd start my period. I'm LATE. Well, only 1 week and 1 day late..but late none-the-less. I am a responsible birth control pill user, which is exactly why I shouldn't be late. **puts her worries on the shelf, until it becomes absolutely necessary**

I think I have to pay Diaryland a premium if I want to continue to have image hosting. Only $19 or so, no biggy, it's just a matter of trying to remember to pay them! Tee hee!

I was busy again at work today. I came up with a dandy of an idea for a product. It's a Sugar Lip Exfolient. Let me explain. I thought it would be quite special to have something yummy tasting on your lips when you are exfolianting them. Now, granted, not a lot of girls think of performing that sort of task...but believe me kids, you should do it. It's been said that lips are blantantly ignored as a part of our everyday skin care regamine. (is my spelling really that cruddy?)So, I came up with the idea of having a very emoliant, moisturizing, sugary product that you use on your lips. The function would be to sluff off dead skin cells, and moisturize the lips. I was thinking a real cute name would be Sugar Lips..or something such as that. I was also bouncing the idea of an aluminum toothpaste style tube as the component, a very small one of course, maybe add a very yummy hint of vanilla, it would almost taste like a sugar cookie! So the VP of cosmetics thinks it's a swell idea, and I'm working on it directly. I brought home the first submission today.

I must remember to send YOU the little care package I put together as a kind of a thank you for sending me Chicklets, and thank you for answering my many questions..and for being such a doll in the process! I have it all ready to go, but I haven't mailed it yet. :(

I cooked chicken and pasta tonight, I must say, it is a masterpiece...i haven't eaten yet, but I tasted, and I liked! Cory is playing basketball, it's his first "game" of the season. I watched him shoot a few hoops at the park last night, and it was funny. None of those dudes could make a basket!! hahah! The name of thier team is something nutty like, "the guys in the parking lot drinking beer"...or something like that.

One last thing....You know how they say that famous people always die in 3's? Well, they did!!! The other day, it was Dee Dee, then the next day it was the guitar player for the 80's glam, hair band, Ratt, then today I heard John Gatti died..It's so amazing how that happends.......Oh, and the 6 degrees of seperation theory..I'm a firm believer in that one too. Saturday night we were having dinner down the street at an Italian restaurant and seated back to back with me was Diane Ladd (she is an older actress, her daughter is Laura Dern)....Wild At Heart was one of my all time favorite flicks, and Diane was in that...so, I was within one person of Nick Cage (he was the star of Wild at Heart), sitting back to back, with the grandmother of Ben Harpers baby!! Quite an interesting thing to consider.

Ok kids. Toodle!!


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